CLA - Conjugated Linoleic Acids

Cla, discovered in 1979, is found in meats and dairy products.  A study sited in the December 2000 issue of the Journal of Nutrition reported that CLA may reduce fat and preserve muscle tissue.  The study was a double-blind, placebo controlled study.  According to the research report, an average of 6 pounds of body fat was lost in the group that took the CLA versus the group taking the placebo.  Approximately 3-4 grams of CLA was taken by the study group.

Some other suggested benefits from a variety of studies include:

    Increases in Metabolic rates

    Decreases in abdominal fats

    Helps in muscle growth

    Lowers insulin resistance

consult your healthcare professional regarding any questions about changes in your diet or exercise plan or adding any additional supplements