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URHealthzone is a comprehensive site for information.  Our mission is to deliver the best in customer service, evaluation and current science in the health and wellness industry.  Our goal is to help each individual achieve a healthy lifestyle and complete wellness program.  To help each individual achieve the best based on their individual needs and health and genetic base. What we are not is a one stop shop for all.

    We believe in saving one life at a time



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How fit are you? While you might be able to bench press a lot of weight or run for miles and miles, health and fitness are made up of many factors. There are indicators that you can see and feel, but there are also measures of health and fitness that can only be gauged by your health professional, such as cholesterol level and blood pressure.

Check out your stats and read on to find out how you can improve so you can be optimally fit and healthy.

  • Weight: Carrying extra weight increases the risk for health conditions* such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, and osteoarthritis.
  • It also impacts your self-esteem and confidence and can dampen your desire to participate in activities you enjoy. Don’t wait for your weight to lead to other health problems. There are three factors you can assess to determine if you need to lose weight: your BMI, your waist measurement, and your family health history.
    • BMI: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common way to assess whether your current weight is problematic and should be reduced. People with a large percentage of muscle mass may get a skewed result, and this method could underestimate body fat in adults over the age of 65. You should also assess your waist circumference and family health history to get a clearer picture of whether your weight is negatively impacting your health.
      View this chart to calculate your BMI.
       nutr-nut-chrt-v-en--BMICalculator.pdf (96,7 kB)
      If your BMI falls in the Overweight or Obese category, that’s a good sign you need to start thinking seriously about conquering your weight.
    • Waist Measurement: Storing excess fat in your waist, as opposed to your hips or thighs, poses a greater risk to your health because it can raise blood cholesterol levels and lower the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

      Measure your waist circumference with a tape measure. Over 35 inches for women or over 40 inches for men is a sign to take control.
    • Risk Factors: Looking at your family health history can provide a clue as to whether or not you should be concerned about your weight. Does your family health history include weight-related conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, or sleep apnea?

      If you have two or more of these health concerns or know family members who have struggled with these issues, definitely consider tackling your weight.
  • Internal Measures: Your cholesterol levels and blood pressure are other indicators of how fit and healthy you are on the inside. Get your numbers regularly checked by a health professional to make sure yours are in the normal range.

Mental Health: Finally, being mentally happy is an important component of health. Work on improving relationships and focusing on activities that make you truly happy. If you have areas of health and fitness that aren’t ideal, there are simple lifestyle changes you can make, such as finding some type of physical activity you enjoy and engaging in it for 30 to 60 minutes on most days of the week. Tweaks to your diet should include cutting out added sugar and fat while focusing on lean protein, fruits, veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats such as olive oil and avocados.

Try to incorporate changes that you can make for a lifetime over fast fixes that won’t last. Make your health and fitness a priority every day!

*NIH, NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative. Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults.